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Merit Solutions Blog

Overcoming Unconscious Bias in Recruitment and Selection

Overcoming Unconscious Bias in Recruitment and Selection

Australia is proud to identify as a vibrant, contemporary, and multicultural society, claiming its people have stemmed from more than 270 different ancestries.   So, with this diversity of cultures, surely the workforce should also represent an inclusive and...

Action Learning: Developing Questioning Insight

Action Learning: Developing Questioning Insight

In the video embedded in this post, Reg Revans, the Founder of Action Learning, explains the origins of action learning and focuses strongly on the need for questioning insight. He was 83 years of age at the time of this interview and had been using action learning in...

Knowledge Sharing: Where to start?

Knowledge Sharing: Where to start?

Knowledge sharing needs to be initiated by the manager as part of business-as-usual rather than waiting until there is an executive edict or sophisticated knowledge management system in place.  The manager is close to the action and is the one who is...

The Hidden ROI of Action Learning: 7 Personal Outcomes

The Hidden ROI of Action Learning: 7 Personal Outcomes

In times of monetary constraint, it is critical to ensure that your organisation achieves a real return on investment (ROI) from training and development activities.  Much has been written about the visible ROI of action learning in terms of improved productivity,...

Five Fundamental Questions for Knowledge Sharing

Five Fundamental Questions for Knowledge Sharing

Something happened when I was managing that struck me about the importance of knowledge sharing, knowledge management and knowledge transfer and the value of local wisdom developed through organisational history. I’ll share the story with you. We were working in a...

Manager Support During Downsizing

Manager Support During Downsizing

Merit Solutions introduced a Manager Support Forum in September 2012 for managers in the Queensland Public Service (QPS) who were experiencing change and associated staff losses through downsizing of the QPS. We were conscious of the need to support...

Maintaining Staff Morale During Downsizing

Maintaining Staff Morale During Downsizing

Staff morale can plummet during downsizing and other significant, enforced organisational changes.  Managers have the very difficult task of dealing with their own concerns as well as trying to support their staff through the change, while maintaining an acceptable...

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