Workplace Conversations

Talking to staff about their performance is a critical management role and one which most find challenging. The practical workshop is designed to provide frameworks and build the skills you need to tackle this responsibility with confidence. We will focus on positive performance conversations but provide strategies which can also be used when corrective feedback is required.
This workshops is suitable for team leaders, supervisors, managers and program managers or Directors.
As a leader, you can shape a positive and productive workplace culture through performance conversations.
This is negotiable depending on workplace needs but the workshop usually runs over one day. For maximum impact, we strongly recommend integration of workshops with opportunities for implementation in the workplace.
Additionally, an optional one-to-one follow-up coaching session can support managers and team leaders in putting these skills into practice.
Participants in this workshop will develop:
- Understanding of each manager’s role in building and sustaining a performance culture
- Skills to conduct a range of workplace conversations
- Confidence and commitment to initiate regular, ongoing workplace conversations
- Positive and adjustive feedback skills
- Understanding of the linkages with other management processes including performance improvement plans and serious disciplinary matters
- Planning for performance conversations as part of your management strategy
Our Approach
Our approach is to use a mix of delivery methods including information sessions and small group practical activities as far as is possible in the time allocated. We ensure a highly participative workshop designed to engage workshop participants in the development of practical strategies for their team. Case studies and skills practice are integrated to encourage the application of new skills and insights in the workplace.
We usually find that smaller group size results in better learning outcomes and therefore is more likely to result in the transfer of new skills into practice. With one facilitator, we recommend trying to keep participant numbers to approximately 15 as this allows more time for individual questions to be answered and for each participant to get at least some personalised feedback/coaching during practical exercises or breaks. Feedback usually notes that value of this approach.
Our Facilitators
Maria O’Leary, Ron Passfield and Miranda Miller all have a wealth of relevant experience together with outstanding facilitation and coaching skills. They are passionate about the importance of positive performance conversations and bring practical experience of the challenges and benefits of talking to staff about what they are doing well and how they can improve.
Contact us to discuss your training needs
(07) 3220 1166