Can We Afford Age Discrimination?
How can we challenge ageism to create an inclusive new world within our workplaces? Research shows we are living longer and..

Why Choose a Scribe with a Professional HR Background?
A scribe’s role in government recruitment or selection is to support the busy panel members through the selection process…
Merit Solutions Australia Hosts 4th Chinese Delegation
Ms. Anne-Marie Carroll (Managing Director) and Dr. Ron Passfield (Director) of Merit Solutions Australia hosted a visit by a Chinese Delegation on 22 November 2012. This was the fourth delegation from China to visit Merit Solutions in Brisbane. The visit was in line...
Common Sense Selections – Robust Assessments and Transparency by Selection Panels
In a recent appeal decision (Notable Case A7447) published by the Queensland Public Service Commission, the Appeals Officer found that the selection process was deficient because the selection panel had not provided a “cogent narrative, however short” to explain their recommendation.
To Prompt or Not to Prompt – That is the Question!
While conducting job interviews, selection panels are frequently torn between whether to probe or prompt the job interviewees. Sometimes, members of selection panels become confused about the differences between these two approaches to job interview questions. This article clarifies the issues for selection panels.