Using STAR Effectively in your Job Application
Learn how to use the STAR method correctly and confidently in job applications, selection criteria and job interviews to prove you have the experience and skills for the job.
Learn how to use the STAR method correctly and confidently in job applications, selection criteria and job interviews to prove you have the experience and skills for the job.
Would you like to go into your next job interview feeling confident and relaxed? The secret is to prepare well. There are lots of tips and techniques..
Help yourself and the selection panel by properly researching the advertised position and organisation before completing your job application and attending your job interview. You will have a better chance to win that job!
A job applicant who feels the need to bag their boss at a job interview, is typically frustrated by their boss or angry at them. They let their feelings control their behavior on interview which, in turn, demonstrates a lack of personal control. This is a fatal mistake in a job interview.