Learning On-The-Job: Turning Team Meetings into a Learning and Development Opportunity
Managers, supervisors and team leaders need to think about how to facilitate staff learning through ordinary day-to-day workplace activities.
Managers, supervisors and team leaders need to think about how to facilitate staff learning through ordinary day-to-day workplace activities.
Action learning is learning with others through doing and reflecting on outcomes, both intended and unintended. At the heart of action learning is supportive challenge which is designed to enhance self-development and create organization improvement.
Employee motivation is considerably enhanced when you meet three basic employee needs – expectations, resources and feedback. You can go a long way to improving employee motivation if you clarify your work expectations, provide employees with the resources they need to do the job and give timely, accurate feedback on work performance.
You don’t have to look far to see a list of the physical benefits of walking. Walking stimulates your body’s systems – your cardiovascular, immune and respiratory systems. There are many psychological benefits from walking as well – it gives you a lift, strengthens positive thinking and helps ward off depression. Walking can clear the mind and provide new insights into the way forward for you as a manager – it is a simple but effective means of stress management.