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Consultant Profile

Meet our highly qualified and experienced team

Amila Keludewa

Angela Anderson

Principal Consultant


  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Shortlisting
  • Scribing
  • Report Writing
  • Reference Checking
  • Panel Support


  • Bachelor of Medical Science (Bond University)
  • Doctor of Medicine (Bond University)
  • Extended Dementia Support Skillset (TAFE Queensland)

Career Details

Amila joined Merit Solutions in 2024, bringing career experience from a variety of roles across health, community services and HR professional services.  Initially training and qualifying as a medical doctor, Amila worked for the Gold Coast Health and Hospital Service as well as completing placements in Queensland and the Solomon Islands. 

Amila also spent several years in medical recruitment focussed on the recruitment of doctors, from junior house officers to consultants, for urban and rural hospitals in the public and private sector. 

Working for several years as a Care Consultant in aged and disability care, he has managed a caseload of clients living in the community, with the goal of maintaining health and independence, minimizing hospitalisations and consequently the burden on the health care system.  With an organisational focus on CALD communities, this role provided a significant opportunity to build an understanding and enhanced communication skills for engagement with people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds.

Recruitment and Selection

Amila has experience in recruitment for professional roles across multiple sectors including all states and territories, conforming to varying standards and policies. He has an appreciation of the strategies that assist in attracting high-quality candidates, creating points of difference for the employee value proposition, and engaging positively and proactively with candidates and hiring managers.

In the public sector, he has experience in supporting significant recruitment drives to achieve timely outcomes for a diverse range of technical and administrative positions. He has applied evidence-based benchmarks in the evaluation and shortlisting of candidate applications, participated as a panel member, scribed for interviews and completed selection reports to support candidate appointment and feedback to unsuccessful candidates. Amila has a solid appreciation of current legislation, policies and Directives as they relate to recruitment and selection in the public sector.

Other Achievements

Amila has a strong community focus which has been demonstrated throughout his professional career and a variety of volunteer roles. At Bond University, he was the founder of a Donate and Dinner program set up to support OzHarvest, an initiative which still operates today.

Would you like to work with Amila?

Contact us to discuss availability and how he can help you and your organisation.

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